Life quotes from Sun Li

From: Women of China

1. "I grew up in a single-parent family and faced a lot of emotional stress in my childhood. If only someone had patted me on the back then and given me a word of encouragement, I'd still remember it till this day. Conversely, if someone had given me the cold shoulder while I was down, it would also have a lasting impression on me. I wouldn't hate them, but I'd always remember this is something you shouldn't do to someone who asks you for help."

2. "I feel that helping someone doesn't necessarily mean you have to offer practical help (i.e. giving them money). Sometimes, all you need is to give them encouragement. It may only take two seconds of your time but it may impact the person for the rest of their lives."

3. "Everyone and every circumstance you came across had a part to play in making you who you are now. Sometimes you won't even notice the way it influences you but you are slowly internalising them."

4."Everytime I see the numerous amounts of clothes in my wardrobe I feel like I'm so superficial. Actually, I've come to realise what matters most is what's in your mind. I find as you grow older, you'll gradually change your mind about many things. When I was 19 I was very brand-conscious and I wanted so many products from so many brands. Now I still like branded fashion goods but I'll be more aware of what really suits me."

5. "If I encounter negative words or people in my life, I have many ways of persuading myself not to be affected by them. Life is so short, I do not wish to waste my time thinking about these things, you know? These negative things actually pass really quickly, so why let it linger in your life? If I were to spend my time I'd rather spend it on improving myself, not on thinking about negative things."

6. "Going through the ups and downs in life gave me a lot of confidence to handle other challenges. When I say I'm thankful to 'The Legend of Zhen Huan' for making me who I am, I'm not talking about how much fame it brought me- rather, I'm thankful that the process of performing has brought me much confidence. I realised I could do so much better than what I've done before."

7. "Sometimes strength comes from the shoulders of other people."



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