Ask Me Anything

Readers, this is where you can leave a comment and ask me anything! It's kind of like an page.

As a rule of thumb:

1. Feel free to ask me anything! I'm no professional so take all my answers with a pinch of salt, but I will still try to answer to the best of my abilities.

2. Do not ask me any sexual questions unless you want an entire blog entry dedicated to you ala Xiaxue's Faces of Haters.

3. As the comments are moderated, I reserve the right not to answer any questions that I deem are too personal or rude.

4. You can leave anonymous comments if you are not comfortable posting with your Google+ account!


  1. For you what is the best c-drama, I've watched Empress of the palace and Legend of Zen Huan, what can you recommend? Thanks in advance

    1. Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (which is airing now), The story of Yanxi Palace, and Nothing Gold Can Stay!

  2. What do you think of the c-drama Story of Yanxi Palace?

  3. Hey Deila your new subscriber here, I was wondering how do you differentiate between the dynasties. Like I love the story of Minglan , Nirvana in Fire my number one in all of East Asian series, Scarlet heart my absolute first and what introduced me to c-dramas. I can never tell what dynasty it’s is but the clothes are different.

    1. Hello! You can't, because the costumes are often not accurate representations of the true time period (unless it is the Qing Dynasty), then it's very distinct! But otherwise, you can tell by the characters, if they are based on real historical figures.

  4. Have you watched The story of Minglan? It is a great C drama too.


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