6 things women are looking for in a husband

Do you meet my standards? Hmm? HMMMMM???? (Pic from feelyourlove.com)

LOL, just kidding. I absolutely hate these "5 things men/women/gays are looking for in a partner" articles.

It is perfectly normal to have preferences. I don't care if you want a submissive wife, a submissive husband, Caucasian/black/yellow/rainbow-coloured husband etc because it is none of my business.

But if you actually start taking a serious stand about how all husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends should be, imposing your ideals onto others like it should be the universal standard, you are going to sound inane/immature at best, and utterly stupid and offensive at worst.

Another kind of articles I really hate is the "Date a girl who travels" or "Date a nice guy who gives you roses" "Date a plus-sized girl" "Date a man who is quiet" kind of articles.

How about "Date a girl who DOESN'T travel (aka me)"? Reason 1: She will never cheat on you because she is too lazy to go outdoors. 

Young people out there, try this thing for a change. How about just let people be whoever they want and date whoever they wish to without imposing your own ideals onto others?

There are many kinds of men, women, gay people in this world, who all resonate with different kinds of relationship dynamics. I don't believe anyone should be forced to act a certain way in order to be attractive, to be deserving of love. It's the 21st Century, men should not feel pressured to be "macho" "alpha" football players to get a woman who loves and respects him for exactly who he is. Women also shouldn't be pressured to look perfect, be submissive, quiet and have no life goals other than getting married and having babies to be respected and cherished by men.

Obviously, some basic traits are universal. We all generally want someone who is not a psychopath, not abusive, not a serial killer, treats people with respect etc. However, beyond that, we all look for different things in a partner. Tastes and preferences become increasingly diverse. You may think you're too otaku and nerdy to ever be well-liked by people of your preferred gender, but surely there will be someone out there who digs exactly what you have to offer. Would you rather remain true to who you are and attract people who are deeply passionate about the real you, or force yourself to become conventionally attractive yet just vanilla to most people?

(Unless you're an asshole, in which case, please change yourself)

So please stop yeah? Yup I'm talking to you people at elitedaily and thoughtcatalog. Young people are already facing a lot of self-esteem issues these days, they don't need stupid articles to make them feel like faulty goods that don't deserve any love if they don't conform.


  1. Lol! I was intrigued by the headline. Never expected you to write anything stereotypical and realised it was just a ruse! :-) Write on!


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